Rug-proof ✅
For the launch, rather than lock our liquidity, we choose to immediately burn LP tokens to bring permanant liquidity and protect each $CASH holders. As long as the project evolves, we will constantly do the same process 😍💰.
PolyCash was designed to ensure security for investors, take a look on our contracts on Github
Migrator functions have been removed, feel comfortable to invest on our platform. ✔
Timelock 🕒
Timelock adds additional security to the project, as we are not able to make immediate changes. To achieve this objective, we have added the Timelock contract as the owner of the MasterChef. 📃
Without timelocks, people could modify smart contracts immediately, giving no warning to the users. 👀
Harvest Lockup 🔒
This is a protective mechanism that can be applied to farms or pools, limiting the frequency of Harvest allowed. This helps to prevent arbitrage by bots and other users exploiting APRs, Harvesting and dumping $CASH. This is very important to protect $CASH value. 😎
Anti-whale Prevention 🐋
We have to be careful with market control and manipulation by large holders commonly called "whales". Generally these large token holders can have too much control, and can have a big impact on market movements. 🙌
Audit 📃
Audits are essential for yield farming project, always make sure there is a third party verifying contracts are safe. Look at the roadmap to see each audit we have realised.
Last updated
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